Tuesday 21 February 2023

INTERNATIONAL BLOGTOUR: Best Served Hot by Amanda Elliot

Hello readers!💛
How are you? 
Welcome to another review! As always, I have to thank Penguin Random House and Berkley Publishing Group for the free copy and the invitation to be part of the International Blog Tour, but most of all, happy release day to Amanda Elliot!
So, let's start with the usual informations:

Title: Best Served Hot
Author: Amanda Elliot
Publishing Date: February, 21st
Berkley Trade Paperback
Pages: 352
18,67€ (*according to Amazon.it)

Plot: Two restaurant critics learn their opposing tastes might make for a five-star relationship in the next foodie romantic comedy from the author of Sadie on a Plate.

By day, Julie Zimmerman works as an executive assistant. After hours, she’s @JulieZeeEatsNYC, a social media restaurant reviewer with over fifty thousand followers. As much as she loves her self-employed side gig, what Julie really wants is to be a critic at a major newspaper, like the New York Scroll. The only thing worse than the Scroll’s rejection of her application is the fact that smarmy, social-media-averse society boy Bennett Richard Macalester Wright snagged her dream job.

While at the Central Park Food Festival, Julie confronts the annoyingly handsome Bennett about his outdated opinions on social media and posts the resulting video footage. Julie's follower count soars—and so does the Scroll’s. Julie and Bennett grudgingly agree to partner up for a few reviews to further their buzz. Online buzz, obviously.

Over tapas, burgers, and more, Julie and Bennett connect over their shared love of food. But when the competitive fire between them turns extra spicy, they'll have to decide how much heat their relationship can take.

The Author:
Amanda Elliot is the author of several young adult and middle grade books as Amanda Panitch. She lives in New York City, where she owns way too many cookbooks for her tiny kitchen.

Review:                                                                                                  Rate:  3.7 !⭐
First of all: welcome back Amanda! 
I really missed her fast paced writing style, since it's almost been a year from the release of Sadie on a Plate. 
Same "setting" but a very different story: in this case we have left the "cooking sphere" and the Cooking Competitions we all love to see on tv, but we remain again in the food world. This time, in fact, we talk about restaurant critics with two different approaches.
Julie expresses herlsef through her Instagram page, comunicating with her followers by fresh videos and pictures, Bennet prefers a more classical approach and he's the new voice of the famous The Scroll newspaper (Julie's dream work). As in any typical romcom, it seems that these two methods are incompatible and the two main characters apparently immediately declare "war" to each other, forced then to work together in a joined partnership proposed by The Scroll itself to gain new followers.
This is basically the premise, an evergreen but always loved one, that has been really hilarious, especially in some particular moments. Julie is a main character full of life, always presented, in good and in bad, at her 100%, so all her reactions and (multiple) misunderstanding seem absolutely real on the scene. That makes some episodes even more entertaining for sure, but also creates a relatable character easy to empathize with, especially when it comes to the struggle to be successfull and have a career related to what we love the most without external helps, or to the feeling to be constantly undervalued. Who cannot?
And then there's Bennet. I love his steadyness, his being caring and a good listener, always ready to undestand Julie, even when here actions and behaviour are harsh and unkind. He's a beautiful example that being born in a rich family is not synonimous of being also snob with other people. On the contrary, the thing I find fascinating about Bennet is the fact that he silently gives always Julie the space and the way to show him how she works, how she lives tasting food. He really evaluates her opinion, he's never blinded by a prejudice, and even at the beginning it's clear he just replies to a provocation. Also, he's a very respectful gentleman, so how could I not love him?
The spark between those two is absolutely amazing. I rooted for them from the first page Bennet appears on the scene, and their chemistry has a vibrant energy that makes more sparkles than Sadie and Luke (and for whom has already read Sadie on a Plate, you'll have a brief Sadie's comeback - too fast, unluckily 😢)'s ones. I really love how their relationship grows and how Julie overcomes her prejudices related to Bennet.
That said, I think that there are some off balance aspects I haven't super enjoyed. 
I understand Julie's fragilities and her being suspicious to not being taken seriusly. Her work environment (plus the usual prejudices related to social media users) explains it perfectly, but Bennet has been kind during the whole story and there isn't a moment he stressed their different status.Yet, in more than one occasion she throws against him an undeserved rage. She apologizes, yes, and she has the merit to recognize when she misinterprets something or is biased, but in fact she seems to have the same attitude during the entire narration. Not to mention the various mistakes she makes that will disappoint anyone, and he excuses her in two seconds. That's absolutely sweet, but I'd appreciate deeper discussions between those two, and more efforts from Julie's side to undestand what she has done (or said) wrong and make ammend.
It was like... just too easy for her? 

Related to that, it's also true that some people are born with privilege that others don't have, and plenty of times seem to forget it, considering the rest of the population "lower people" that can serve them, and that is absolutely wrong. They easily leave out the fact that to achieve something you have to make efforts and make sacrifices, and it's right to underline it - in this case through Julie - but I would have loved the author to stress also that not all those "lucky people" share the same mind. Instead I've found an excessive bitterness that I understand until a certain point. After that, it began a little bit "too much".

Talking about the secondary characters, led by female figures, I have quite enjoyed them. They could have been deepened a little bit more (I'd really love to know more about Bennet and his twin sister), anyway, I grow fond of Emerson Leigh and Alice. At the same time, since in this book social status and money are one of the main theme, it would have been lovely to have a longer conversation between Emerson Leigh and Julie.
Last but not least at all, even in this book one of the main protagonists is food. I warn you, Amanda Elliot has the secret power to get you hungry and make you feel the curiosity to try new plates and different kind of cuisine. I really admire her ability to describe food and talk about it without boring anyone or feel too academic. I usually take notes of the most interesting plates I discover during my reading! 😂
Nevertheless, it would be really cool to see more Julie interacting with her followers or Bennet write the reviews or being in his workplace.

So, with pros and cons, I have to say that Amanda Elliot confirms herself with a lovely book for every fan of romcoms and food. If you want a light, hearwarming reading, this novel is perfect for you.
Now can I have my personal Bennet? Thanks.
Are you curious to read a little excerpt?
Here you are, kindly granted by Berkley Publishing 
😏💛 Happy reading!

Excerpted from Best Served Hot by Amanda Elliot Copyright © 2023 by Amanda Elliot. Excerpted by permission of Berkley. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.


New York Scroll names new restaurant critic, Bennett Richard Macalester Wright.

            Suddenly none of the food looked all that appetizing anymore.

            "What is it?" asked Alice.

            I sat back down with a thump. "I didn't get it," I said dully. And it wasn't like I'd expected them to read my passionate cover letter and resume and social media stats and immediately roll out the heirloom-tomato-red carpet. But they hadn't even bothered sending me a rejection email. Or any kind of acknowledgment at all. Maybe my application had been one of a million, even though the job hadn't been listed online for the general peasantry to apply for (I'd been tipped off about the opening through an email my boss had gotten and I'd read).

            Or maybe they hadn't taken my resume seriously. Laughed about it in the office. Who does this girl think she is? She thinks some followers and some videos make her suited for us? The New York Scroll had never hired a critic who wasn't a white dude over fifty. They had social media, of course, but they still published trend pieces where they gaped at it and how it worked like it was a zoo exhibit. And over here we have people—wait for it—actually getting their news on social media. Thank goodness the protective bars are here, or they might attack us.

            Not unlike my boss, come to think of it. I still didn't think he knew about my second "job," but I'd heard the way he snorted as he watched his daughters take selfies or the older one herd her kids into the perfect light for a family snap.

            Alice made a sympathetic mmm in response. "Who'd they name? Is it at least someone good?"

            The name sounded vaguely familiar, but I was already frantically googling to learn more, leaving the food to cool before us. "He went to Dartmouth," I reported. Which, if I judged by the alumni I knew—my boss and his daughters—was stereotypically rich and fratty. "And he played on the squash team." Which was basically code for "has an enormous trust fund." I scowled down at my screen. "Hobbies include boating and collecting ancient coins."

            Bennett Richard Macalester Wright had almost certainly never misbudgeted and run out of food money his freshman year of college and had to subsist on ramen and scrounged-up free pizza from various club meetings to get by.

            "And then it looks like he was a food reporter at the Times for the last five years," I said. I scrolled through a few of his past headlines. A profile on a chef semi-famous for his cooking and very famous for his string of ever-younger actress wives. A report on why high-end restaurants were trending toward smaller but more expensive wine lists. A few reviews of pricey restaurants—it looked like he'd filled in for their regular critic while she was out on maternity leave.

            "At least he seems like he's qualified," Alice said. I scowled at her. I didn't want to hear that he was qualified. I wanted to hear that he sucked and that they should've hired me. But I didn't say that. I continued my googling, but turned up nothing except dead ends. Like most major food reviewers, he'd clearly done his best to take down as much as he possibly could about himself, especially photographs. No serious food reviewer wanted to tip off a restaurant that they were there, since that might lead the owner or the kitchen to offer them special treatment that would bias their review. It was why I never made a reservation under my own name, though I couldn't do much about my face. Sometimes, if I got recognized on one visit, I'd go back with a wig or glasses the next time.

            "Excuse me, ladies?" Our waiter smiled down on us. "How are we doing?"

            "Not great, but the food is delicious," I told him.

            His smile wavered, not quite sure what to do with that. "Would you like anything more to drink? We have some lovely wines on offer tonight."

            "No thanks," Alice said. "She doesn't like wine."

            "Alice!" I hissed. Which was always fun. Alice had a particularly hissable name.

            The waiter nodded and went off to bring our check. Alice turned to me, blinking. "What?"

            "We've had this discussion before," I said. "Don't tell anyone I don't like wine."

            "But you don't like wine," Alice said.

            It was true. Wine tasted like literal sour grapes to me, whether it was the cheap boxed stuff our roommates used to bring home in college or the ultra-fancy kind my boss gave me last year for the holidays. It literally made my lips pucker and my cheeks suck in. I'd never been able to understand why people actually enjoyed drinking it.

            But my followers wouldn't agree. Again, they were mostly young women around my age or a bit older. There was a whole meme industry around wine. The wine moms. Giant wine glasses. Social media love turned on a dime. Not like I was hiding it hardcore. It was just that I'd rather the truth not be known, because I didn't want to do anything that might alienate me from my followers. Sometimes being loved on social media meant being loved as someone who isn't really you.

            "You know who I bet loooves wine?" I said, rather than continuing my lecture. "Bennett…" I couldn't remember his two middle names, so I made some up. "Bennett Rigatoni Mushroom Wright." Alice giggled, which made me go on. "The Scroll always includes a wine list in their reviews, and the wines they choose always cost a fortune."


CREDITS: Amanda’s author photo by Cassie Gonzales 2021



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