Wednesday 11 October 2023

[ARC Review] Two Twisted Crowns by Rachel Gillig

Hello readers! 

How are you?

It's been a while I've written something for the English section of the blog, so I had to make amends and what better occasion than talking about one of my most anticipated 2023 books?! Less than two weeks from now the conclusion of this amazing duology will be released and I'm so excited to finally have it in my hands! That's why I'm honored that Little Brown Book group gave me the chance to read this book in advance (and thanks to Netgalley too of course) so I can present it to you.

Title: Two Twisted Crowns (The Shepherd King,#2)
Author: Rachel Gilling
Publishing Date: 19 Oct 2023
Publisher:  Orbit (Little Brown Book group)
Pages: 368 (paperback)
17,09$ (*according to

Plot: **Since it's a sequel, be aware there will be spoilers related to the previous book**

In the luscious, dark sequel to One Dark Window, Elspeth must face the consequences of what she's wrought - perfect for readers of Hannah Whitten's For the Wolf and Alexis Henderson's The Year of the Witching.

Elspeth and Ravyn have gathered most of the twelve Providence Cards, but the last, and most important one remains to be found: The Twin Alders.

If they are going to find it before the Solstice and cure the kingdom of the dark magic infecting it, they will need to journey beyond the dangerous mist-cloaked forest that surrounds their kingdom.

And the only one who can lead them there is the monster that shares Elspeth's head. The Nightmare. And he's not eager to share any longer.


5 stars!

To anyone who's every felt lost in a wood. There is a strange sort of findings in losing.

As I've already mentioned above, Two Twisted Crowns was one of my most expected books of 2023 after falling in love with One Dark Window last year, so I shuddered to read it after THAT final cliffhanger (because this author is a master at endings and breaking hearts).

I have to say that this novel was everything I needed from this series and even more. I missed the One Dark Window's characters SO much and, even if an year has passed, it was easy to come back to their stories, magistrally woven together by Rachel Gillig's poetic writing style. It was like entering in a dark, gothic story, where you can feel that cold sensation of danger surrounded by shadows that could hit you in every moment. I love think kind of atmosphere, when the story comes alive and you just live it with the characters (and deeply suffer with them, thank you for that too, Rachel).


Just when I think you're getting torelable, you go and open your mouth.


Anyway, this is not an easy book to face, but that was already clear with One Dark Window for the themes treated and the violence portraited, but I really appreciated the sensibility with which the author wrote certain scenes. It's sad to see how low people value human's life, especially if it isn't theirs, and Rachel Gillig showed it so well in her stories, where in the end everyone got what they deserved.

My heart broke multiple times for Elm and Ione, not to mention Elspeth and Ravyn who, together with the Nightmare, still hold my soul in their hands. What an unexpected and "funny" triangle they were! They drew me a smile multiple times. I really appreciated how the Shepherd King interacted with Ravyn and the others, along with his affection for Elspeth. 

That said, it's true that the main characters of the first book left a good amount of space to two "new ones", and even if I understand Rachel's choice, because it's useful to the story, I missed my Captain of the Destriers and the Girl with a monster inside her as primal protagonists and also together! 😢 They have one of the most beautiful relationship I've ever read. But, I repeat myself, it's an understandlable decision and it makes sense once you arrive at the end, because multiple knots had to be unraveled, and the readers already know Elspeth and Ravyn's love is truth. They didn't have to prove it more than they already did, they just had to stay alive so they could be reunited.


Clever man died on their own terms. And if they were wary, clever, and good, they perhaps died in piece. He, apparently, was none of the three.

However, it was impossible not to be dragged in that grim and dark atmosphere that accompanies the quest for the search of The Twins Alders card and the resistance of who stays "behind", dotted with entertaining moments and lovely ones that made me smile. They created a good rhythm with revelations and bigger events, that I personally found irresistible.
Praise also to the fact that finally there is a book with a proper ending, that gives the ultimate confrontation with the villain its space to unravel. I couldn't ask for more and I think this has just become one of my favorite duologies ever. Now, the problem is: how can I image not to read about those characters anymore? (so if Rachel will gave us in the future some extra scenes I will love her until the end of times).


I hope you enjoyed this review and please, read this duology!
I can't wait to read what you think about it.

To the next review!


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