Tuesday 25 October 2022

INTERNATIONAL BLOG TOUR: The Stand-Up Groomsman by Jackie Lau

Hello readers!
How are you? Today we celebrate the release of The Stand-Up Groomsman by Jackie Lau, the second book in the Donut Fall in Love series. The Stand-Up Groomsman is an entertaing and enjoyable reading that, with the previous novel, made me discover a very interesting author!

As always, I have to thank Penguin Random House and Berkley Publishing Group for the free copy and the invitation to be part of the International Blog Tour. 


Let me present you this book:

Title: The Stand-Up Groomsman
Author: Jackie Lau
Publishing Date: October, 25th
Berkley Trade Paperback
Pages: 368
17,90 €

Plot: **please be aware there will be some SPOILERS if you haven't read Donut Fall in Love.

A bridesmaid and groomsman put their differences aside to get their friends down the aisle in this opposites-attract steamy romantic comedy.

They say to never meet your heroes, but when Vivian Liao's roommate gets engaged to her favorite actor’s costar, she has no choice but to come face-to-face with Melvin Lee again. He's just as funny and handsome as he is on-screen...but thinks she is a snob and a sellout. It's none of his business how she chooses to live her life, no matter how charismatic he is. Mel is used to charming audiences as an actor and stand-up comedian but can't connect to Vivian. She's a smart, talented artist—which is why he thinks she’s wasting her life as a corporate finance drone. The only thing uniting them is their goal for the wedding to go off without a hitch. As they collaborate on wedding cake and karaoke parties, Mel realizes he might have seriously misjudged this bridesmaid, while Vivian discovers the best man might just be as dazzling off-screen as he is on. With the wedding underway, maybe more than one happily ever after is in the future.


The Author:


Jackie Lau decided she wanted to be a writer when she was in grade two, sometime between penning “The Heart That Got Lost” and “The Land of Shapes.” She later studied engineering and worked as a geophysicist before turning to writing romance novels. She is now the author of over a dozen romantic comedies. Learn more online at www.jackielaubooks.com




3.5 stars⭐

What did I appreciate about this book?

  • The style: Jackie Lau has an ironical way of writing that is really enjoyable and allows the reader to keep reading with a fast pace. Pages flies, without you even notice it! And I assume it has been a real challenge using it, when at the same time she decided to have a main character that is a comedian. The monologues inserted in the book were not only entertaining, but also very interesting to read, because, as it should be, they contain - within them - valuable thoughts. 
  • The diversity: since Donut Fall in Love, one of the points that catches immediately the reader's eyes is the presence of Asian main characters and a really good LGBTQIA+ representation. I really cherish both of those choices, because I greately appreciate to have the chance to know more about other cultures even from small details, could they be habits, or different ways to call a parent. Even when there are jokes related to that, Jackie Lau is always respectful of those cultural roots. Then, the LGBTQIA+ representation: in this case too I have to admit I loved so much how those characters have been depicted, with a special mention to the bi ones, who often are just mentioned but don't have a proper space on the scene. Another praise to have chosen a "plus size" male character, surely not a common choice that remembers us that not only people with abs can be considered attractive.
  • The characters: as in Donut Fall in Love, not all the characters have been greatly deepened, except the main ones. Nontheless, they are the light of the story (but I was SO happy to have lots of scenes with Lindsay and Ryan)! We can say that they're a sort of atypical figures and for this specific reason they're SO interesting to discover: Melvin a comedian that in real life is not keen to make jokes all the time, and Vivian that often seems indifferent to what (and who) is around here. The double point of view here is absolutely essential, and creates an entertaining change of perception of the same event. Furthermore, I've really loved both backgrounds, that explain a lot of their mutual misunderstandings and behaviour toward the other. Anyway, my favorite character is, of course, Po Po. I adore her!
  • An enemies to lovers relationship: if you're a fan of a story that starts off with a wrong foot, this is the book for you! The tension and the attraction between them was so tangible you could feel it.

What would I have expected more from?

  • Less rush. I think there are some moments within the book that should have more space and being developed better. The final release was absolutely enjoyable to read, but I found myself at the end with the feeling that something was missing.
  • More insights related to certain themes. I would have appreciated to deepen some family relationships or to discover more about the character's feelings, which are present and presented to the readers, yes, but they miss the strenght to hit deeply. That doesn't permit to empatize with the protagonists at 100%.


And that's it! I really suggest you this series for the fresh elements within the story and a captivating style. For me it has been a really lovable surprise! 

Thanks again to Berkley Publishing Group, and happy release day to Jackie Lau💙

See you soon in the next review!

- Chiara

*credit:author's photo by J. Mitchell 2021


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